Smart Phone Media Wiring

Connect your smartphone to your entertainment center and other devices

Get the most out of your home or office smart phone and media setup

What you can expect from our installations

HDMI Distribution
Digital TV Antenna points through home
Sharing of Pay TV through home
Cat 6 cabling throughout the home
Setting up and installation of streaming TV from around the world
Additional antenna points installed in your home
Talk to us about a Media Center which will share your TV throughout your home
Share your devices with HDMI throughout your home
Get additional TV points installed in different rooms across your home
Get additional Foxtel outlets and RF transmitters installed

Migration of Lift Phone from PSTN to 4G

As communications standards and technologies have evolved so has been the need for Multi Dwelling Units (MDU's) to keep up.

With the inception of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and the subsequent removal of Telstra exchange services to MDU's there has come the need for a change in the way that lift cars communicate with the outside world in an emergency situation.

New reliable solution has been found that removes the need to be connected to the NBN and also allows for remote monitoring of the system.

We can help with migration of existing internal communication cabling from the old PSTN telephone exchange to the new '4G dialers'. Once new 4G dialers are installed, each lift car will have 24 hr access to an independent line to make calls and communicate with the outside world.

Contact us now for your free quote

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    0423 802 804
    RGSAT Pty Ltd
    ABN: 73166844720
    © 2024 RGSAT Pty Ltd (Canberra TV Services). All rights reserved.